Monday, August 19, 2013

Journal #2 August 19, 2013

Europeans felt with Native Americans as savages. They thought they were devil worshipers because of the human sacrifice. The culture of Native Americans was drastically different from Europeans because they were more down to earth. The Europeans saw this as child like and looked down upon them for their beliefs. They did not covet gold and land they understood what was who's in their community. 
They were considered more advanced and were very wealthy. There large city's were more relevant than Native Americans. They traded with more cultures than Native Americans. Africans were slaves more often than Natives because they were being ship to Europe and the America's for the purpose of slavery. Europeans found free labor worthy of the Africans because they were slaves. 

Both cultures were looked down upon because they were not of European decent they  they were inferior due to the European beliefs.

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