Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Journal #6 May 20, 2014

Reagan's economic policies were controversial due to it being so far right that people were not comfortable. People wanted the government to be less involved in the daily activities of everyone. Stagflation, energy crisis, Watergate and the surrounding incidents cause the change.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

March 24 Journal # 5

Post war years helped soldiers by giving them benefits that helped them get a home and a job. Racial restrictions were becoming less common and minorities were becoming more integrated  into everyday life. Women had to go back home and be a house wife.

The repairs of Europe, the anger from the axis powers, and the rebuilding of the ruined governments.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

March 13, 2014 Journal #4

1.That they do not have the fear of death and they fight bravely for the man next to them and their country.
2. They overcome the fear of death and they hope to never lose a war again.
3. Instill the courage of "real men" in them all and make them want to fight for their country.
4. He emphases manhood and duty to ones country.

5. In makes them exited and adrenaline filled makes them encouraged to go fight the horrible Germans "who stand no chance against a better prepard army." He is talking to them on there level.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Journal 3 February 28, 2014

1) Adolf Hitler
2) Emperor 
3)Benito Mussolini
4) Winston Churchill
5) Joseph Stalin
6) FDR

He hates them and all those who help them will be bled to death. Jews want to annihilate all other races. The ruin the "pure." 
Aryan race is superior to all others. They are conquers and made the lives of those conquered easier. With out Aryans the world would end.

People who are diseased shall not have children. Disabilities can be passed on from parent to child so those with problems can not have children. It makes people feel guilty if the pass they disease so they do it themselves not with help of the government. Name calling is one form.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Journal #2 February 6, 2014

They had to deal with the loss of jobs because of the veterans coming back from war. The women were going to their lives at home and blacks were moving to the north so they were now out of jobs.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Journal #11 December 4, 2013

To make it to America but also to find a job and live in a beautiful house with children and a wife. It was to be secure with your future. My great grandfather came over when he was 8 and he came from Italy and they lived in New Jersey. 
He is a man who wants the poor to overcome their struggle and to ride above. Knowledge was the true gospel of wealth. Feed them, cloth them, and give them an opportunity.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Journal #10 November 21, 2013

The union and former confederacy now had to unite and agree again. They had to regain there lost allies due to the war such as Britian. They also had to re istablish a trade network and the United States Army. Resolve conflicts that arise due to the aggression from both sides.